Author: admin

Author: admin

The Australian Cultural Centre - Italy is extremely proud to be partnering and working with the University of Tuscia in Viterbo to bring together this important International Conference.

The University of Tuscia, one Italy's most respected Agricultural Universities, was established in 1980 and has 6 faculties (Agriculture/Forestry, Biology, Modern Languages, Economics, Cultural Heritage, Political Sciences).

Their key focus is to support interdisciplinary exchanges and joint research. At present, more than 200 research workers-lecturers are involved in various forestry activities, both at home and abroad.

Author: admin

Category : Uncategorised

In August 2009 Peta L Lowry established Australia Consulenza as part of the Australia Italia Association based in Rome, Italy.

Australia Consulenza filled a need to provide the Australia Italia Association Members with information and services about Australia.  We provide a range of relocation, business development and career management services to anyone interested in Australia.  Before we established the Australian Cultural Centre – Italy, Australia Consulenza facilitated a number of Cultural Projects and from these the idea of establishing a permanent Culturally based business in Italy was born.

To date we have successfully supported over 60 Italian citizens, professionals and businesses, relocate themselves, their businesses and families to Australia.

Go to our website for more information or to speak directly to one of our Consultants.

Author: admin

Category : Uncategorised

Australian Astronomy Greg Quicke let us know he was coming to Italy this month, so we have organised a number of introduction meetings for him to be able to meet with Astronomers in Italy and share their astronomical knowledge, passion and experience.

One of these meetings was with Professor Paolo Candy, one of Italys most recognised Astronomers.  Professor Candy has an Observatory / Planetarium located at the magnificent BioResort, Parco dei Cimini.

After their initial meeting and their passion and energy we decided it would be a great opportunity to create an event where we'd be able to share this unique opportunity of having Astronomers from different hemispheres talking about their unique histories and experiences.

Because Professor Candy's Observatory / Planetarium is located at Parco dei Cimini and the Chef and restaurant team at this Resort is well known for their use of local, organic product to produce unique, delicious cuisine, we've created a very special event:

An evening of Astronomy and Gastronomy!!

The event will start at 18:30 with an introduction from Professor Candy about his work and the Cimini Observatory / Planetarium, if the evening is clear you'll get to gaze into the stars and he'll share his knowledge of the universe, if clouds spoil our view Professor Candy will share some of his recent views of the universe in the Planetarium and show you some of the amazing footage and photos he's captured over the years.

Then Greg Quicke, our Australian Astronomer will share information about his work in Broome, Western Australia with his company AstroTours who provide unique Astronomy Tours in the north west of Western Australia.  Greg will also give us an overview of his new book "Earth turning Consciousness - An exercise in planetary awareness".

Around 20:00 we'll make our way into the Parco dei Cimini where we'll experience a four course gastronomic meal all prepared with local, organic product.

Bookings can be made by calling Parco dei Cimini on +39 0761 752266 or by confirming your attendance on our Facebook Page Event:



Author: admin

Category : Uncategorised

L’Italia e la sua Arte in Australia

E’ indetto un concorso internazionale per poter esporre per quattro settimane gratuitamente in due grandi centri espositivi in Sydney (Australia) riservato ad artisti di arti visive che abbiano compiuto i 18 anni di età .

Verranno selezionati da una Giuria internazionale , composta da Artisti , Critici e Galleristi di Italia e Australia, cento artisti .

La Giuria è così composta :
Paolo Berti – Artista e Art Director
Steve MCLaren – Artista e Art Director
Edmond Thommen – Artista
Piu altre due da essere confermate

Gli stessi esporranno nelle grandi Mostre che saranno allestite presso:
Club Marconi – Sydney ( e presso la Galleria South Hill – Golbourn ( in maggio e giungno 2017.

Il Concorso, le Mostre e gli allestimenti saranno diretti e curati da Paolo Berti per l’Italia e da Steve McLaren per l’Australia.
La Direzione organizzativa è affidata all’Australian Cultural Centre Italia di Peta L. Lowry, in collaborazione con l’Associazione Culturale Premio Centro ed ad altre realtà associative, Gallerie d’Arte , Enti ed Istituzioni italo-australiane.

Siete in grado di presentare fino a 5 opere d’arte caricando foto di buona qualità dei tuoi lavori, corredate dai propri dati anagrafici, fiscali e recapiti e-mail e telefonici , da un curriculum vitae e da eventuali note biografiche e critiche al seguente indirizzo email:

Sono ammesse opere composte con qualsiasi tecnica, purchè su supporto cartaceo o tela , di arti visive e fotografia. Sono escluse sculture, installazioni e videoart.
Occorre inoltre, a titolo di rimborso spese per l’organizzazione del Concorso , inviare un bonifico di € 25,00 , contemporaneamente all’invio delle fotografie e delle documentazioni succitate al seguente IBAN:

UBI Banca di Brescia – Sede di Soriano nel Cimino , C/C intestato ad : Australia Consulenza di Peta L Lowry – Oltreoceano
IBAN – IT92H0350073270000000011965
SWIFT CODE = BCABIT21533 o rimessa diretta.

Gli Artisti selezionati , a cui verrà data comunicazione dell’avvenuta ammissione entro e non oltre il 31 dicembre 2016 , dovranno inviare, a proprie spese e responsabilità, un’opera di dimensioni non superiori a 50 x 70 , senza telaio, nè cornici o vetri entro e non oltre il 31 marzo 2017 al seguente indirizzo :

Australian Cultural Centre – Italy
Via Garibaldi 4
Piano 2, Ufficio 7
01038 Soriano nel Cimino (VT)

Per info si può scrivere a :
Cell: +39 370 308 9501

Dagli eventi espositivi la Giuria indicherà i seguenti riconoscimenti :
Premio Italia Australia
Premio della Critica
Menzioni speciali.

Le date indicate sono perentorie e sono soggette a variazioni, per la complessità delle operazioni necessarie alla catalogazione e all’organizzazione delle spedizioni.
Le opere viaggeranno per l’Australia e torneranno nella sede organizzativa italiana a cura e spese dell’organizzazione dell’Evento. Nulla è dovuto per il trasporto, l’allestimento e la promozione in loco .

Le opere una volta tornate in Italia a fine Mostra, dovranno essere ritirate a cura e spese dell’artista , anche tramite Corriere incaricato. Le modalità di reinvio verranno comunque comunicate in tempi utili.

L’organizzazione degli Eventi , pur assicurando massima cura e vigilanza sia nei viaggi che nell’allestimento che durante l’esposizione non si assume alcuna responsabilità per danni, furti o qualsiasi altro evento negativo o di forza maggiore che in qualche modo potrebbero compromettere in tutto o in parte l’integrità delle opere . L’Artista ammesso potrà comunque accompagnare l’opera con una propria assicurazione stipulata a sue spese e per l’occasione, che copra i rischi descritti e la tuteli.

Oltreoceano Sponsor Logos[cg_gallery id=”1″]

Author: admin

Category : Uncategorised

Per favore non caricarte i vostri lavori prima del primo di settembre, 2016.


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Author: admin

Category : Uncategorised

ADP Facebook HeaderThis is a project that we created to support our local Dance Teacher, Gioia Tarulli, when she travelled to Australia in 2014.

Wanting to visit Australia but not able to take more than a couple of months holiday from her work as a Dancer, Dance Teacher and Choreographer, Gioia came to us wanting to do more than just holiday in Australia.

We worked with her to create the Australian Dance Project, an organisation created to support the exchange of Italian and Australian Dancers and provide opportunities for improving the Italian Dancers English skills at the same time.

Our first project is the creation of a 4 week intensive dance & English program to be held in Sydney and Melbourne.  Partnering with RMIT English Worldwide we have developed a unique intensive English language program aimed to provide dance & entertainment industry specific vocabulary, grammar and use.

We’ve also formed a partnership with Paul Malek and Transit Dance and are currently working on ways to link our two organisations and develop skill exchange opportunities for Dancers, Dance Teachers and Choreographers.

Our second project is currently underway where we are promoting a number of 2016 Australian Full-Time Dance Courses for various Australian Dance Schools and Companies.

You can find more information about our programs and keep up to date at our website:



Author: admin

Category : Uncategorized

Tesori de Truria has written a beautiful article in Italian about the Kangaroos Visit currently being hosted at Parco dei Cimini in the Tuscia area of Alto Lazio.

You can see the full Italian version here.

And we've done an English translation below.

If you enjoy the article and our Kangaroos Visit exhibition, please share this article and let us know what you think!

Read More

Author: admin

Category : Projects

Yes, that's right! Australian Football League Italy!  Late in 2009 I was approached by a group of passionate Italian Australian Rules Football players who had just come back from the 2009 Euro Cup in Samobor (Croatia) where they had managed to pull a team of Italians together to play and represent Italy in their first Aussie Rules game in the Euro Cup.  They ended up 13th out of the 15 teams in the competition.

This group of passionate amateur Aussie Rules players were so motivated to bring Aussie Rules to Italy and they approached me to help them launch AFL Italia.

Their idea was to form a small league of 3 or 4 teams, Milan, Rome, Genova and Lugano, just outside the border of Italy in Switzerland but really still Italian ;).

I headed to Australia in early 2010 to promote the cause, seek sponsorships and hold discussions with the AFL in Melbourne about supporting AFL Italia and the growth of Footy in Europe.

Unfortunately the AFL had other ideas and didn't see the future of the development of the game in Europe 🙁  But not being easily disillusioned I carried on and approached individual AFL Clubs to seeking their support.

Most of the AFL Clubs were interested and keen to discuss this opportunity, however only a handful of them provided any actual support.

The greatest support came from the Fremantle Dockers who instantly recognised the important cultural connections between Fremantle and Genoa and offered to establish a "Partner Club" connection with the newly formed AFL Italia Genoa.

David Crute, the then Community & Cultural Development Manager at the Fremantle Dockers provided the Genoa team with footy jumpers, shorts, socks and balls and shipped all this to Italy at their own expense!  They also had their CFO, during a fleeting Europe holiday he was on, stop into to meet the Genoa Club Committee and sign off on the partnership.  The Genoa team declared themselves as the Genoa Dockers and a great relationship developed.

We tried to arrange similar relationships, however were unsuccessful at establishing other partnerships, although in 2012 the Milano Magpies changed to the Milano Eagles as they finally secured a partnership with the West Coast Eagles.

Port Adelaide were also extremely supportive and promoted a number of fundraising initiatives through their big Italian Community of members.

We also got great sponsorship support from the Toccolan Club and

The first season of the AFL Italia leagued kicked off in early 2010 and saw a 6 round season culminating in the playing of the very first AFL Italia Grand Final held in Rome between the Milano Magpies and the Roma Blues, with the Roma Blues taking out the first ever AFL Italia Premiership by 21 points over Milan!

After the success of establishing the league early in 2010 the AFL Italia founding members decided to bid to host the 2010 Euro Cup and also lodged a request to the organising committee to host the first ever game of Female Aussie Rules in Europe!

AFL Italia won the bid and the right to host the 2010 Euro Cup in Milan and as a result we continued working together to ensure a successful event and spread the word about Aussie Rules in Italy.

More about the successful 2010 Euro Cup hosted by AFL Italia in Milan can be found on our 2010 Euro Cup page.

Author: admin

Category : Projects

Yes, that’s right Aussie Rules Football in Italy!!  That’s exactly what I thought when I got a call from the President of the Australia Italia Association back in October 2009 saying he’d been contacted by a group of Italians wanting to establish an Aussie Rules Footy Club in Italy 🙂

How this came about was that a group of Italians, led by a footy crazy Ital-Australian from Pescara decided they’d enter into the 2009 Euro Footy Cup being held in Zagreb, Croatia.

They managed to pull together 20 keen Italians (young and old…), roughed up a team logo and bought uniforms and tracksuits and headed off for their first ever Aussie Rules Euro Cup experience.

Finishing 13th on the day (15 Teams competed) and having so much fun they all decided they wanted to make Aussie Rules in Italy a reality.